Monday, November 12, 2012



Hi all!  I hope that you had a great Monday.  I started the day very tired and wondering when my next vacation day would occur.  Unfortunately, after counting my days I figured out that I had used up all my vacay days.  Ugh!  Luckily, we have a few holidays coming up.  Paired with some creative planning for weekends, I think that I will be able to make the next few weeks restful and relaxing.
Are you wondering how I plan to accomplish this?  So, am I.  But I am hopeful.  I will look to the things that recharge and excite me.  And mix this up with a little R&R.  So, I'll be spending time catching up with friends, going to movies, checking out new museum exhibits, attending yoga and Pilates classes.  In a word, I will do all the things that I enjoy and none of the things that feel like a chore!  I will watch TV shows that I enjoy, cook, smell the roses and reconnect with people who are important to me.  While I do these things now to some extent, I feel a little disconnected and I want to be proactive and intentional as we move into the holiday season.  Usually this time of the year is so overwhelming for me, that I end up heading for the hills and hiding away.  This is followed by recriminations and sadness over missed opportunities to connect with loved ones.  
So I challenge you to recharge yourself now.  Make a plan now to keep yourself grounded during the holiday season and plan to enjoy this magical time of the year.  I am secretly hoping that by doing these things, I'll also stay healthy.   Please share how you stay centered and less frantic during the holiday season.  

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